Travelodge Central Hollywood Road includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : No. 263, Hollywood Rd, Central – Hong Kong
Phone : 2850 8899
Travelodge Central Hollywood Road Road Route
Travelodge Central Hollywood Road Hong Kong provides service in. Its full address is No. 263, Hollywood Rd, Central – Hong Kong olan Travelodge Central Hollywood Road, you can reach its business by phone 2850 8899 . You can also use the map above to get Travelodge Central Hollywood Road transportation and directions information. You can review the Travelodge Central Hollywood Road section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Travelodge Central Hollywood Road you can contact Travelodge Central Hollywood Road using the information above.
All information about Travelodge Central Hollywood Road on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Travelodge Central Hollywood Road belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Travelodge Central Hollywood Road belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Travelodge Central Hollywood Road and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.
A place to be. You will love it.
Really friendly and prompt staff. Rooms were beautifully and thoughtfully decorated but best of all, they had a little dog bed for my pup. Best dog-friendly hotel around, and it’s not expensive. 5/5
It is a great period staying this lovely hotel,
I’m very satisfied with every aspect of Figo, the atmosphere is so artistic and warm, but the best was the staff, they are very approachable and helpful, that it really felt like home to me. Would definitely stay here again. Thank you Figo????
Hotel design is very cozy and stylish.
All staff are very friendly and welcoming. My family and i feel very warm and definitely will come back again.
1. I like the colour and the design of the room.
2. Good location. Many good restaurants in this area.
3. The walls are thin, I could hear the noise from the hose keeping next door around 8:30am on Sunday. You could also hear people talking next door.
4. The WiFi was barely working and it’s even worse when I tried to use my cellphone in the bedroom. I’m using my own data to write this comment in my room right now.
5. Dirty glasses.
6. Terrible attitude. The fridge in the room was not working. I told the staff that I knew he couldn’t do anything about it right now, but he could tell other staffs to change their fridges in the future, but he insisted it’s normal and asked me not to open the fridge too many times. It’s impressive how the staff could blame me for making the fridge not working. The fact is I put my yoga in the fridge for a whole night without opening the door of the fridge, and my yoga is warm now. When you turned on the ac of the room, it’s colder than this so called fridge. I have to asked them to put my drinks and yoga in the fridge of their office, and I asked them to give me a ice bucket.
7. Didn’t refill the toothpaste.
8. My room cards were not working on the second day.
The room service is nice. The staffs are politely. The suite is clean & tiedy. Welldone!
Have stayed over a year, room is cozy with lovely city view. Superb location surrounded by nice cafes and restaurants, public transports are nearby. The sales team, reception and cleansing staff are helpful and positive. Though it has been a hard time for everyone due to COVID-19, my stay was pleasant and warm in Travelodge Central. Will definitely stay again when I return. Thank you so much! x