Homy Hotel Central includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : 105, 107 Wing Lok St, Central – Hong Kong
Phone : 8100 0189
Homy Hotel Central Road Route
Homy Hotel Central Hong Kong provides service in. Its full address is 105, 107 Wing Lok St, Central – Hong Kong olan Homy Hotel Central, you can reach its business by phone 8100 0189 . You can also use the map above to get Homy Hotel Central transportation and directions information. You can review the Homy Hotel Central section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Homy Hotel Central you can contact Homy Hotel Central using the information above.
All information about Homy Hotel Central on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Homy Hotel Central belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Homy Hotel Central belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Homy Hotel Central and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.
Small but very convenient. Just a clean place for sleep.
My favorite hotel since many years, love to come back every time. Small rooms as usually in hk but very good location
In a good area, tiny rooms but good price
Staff are helpful and nice.
Rooms are small but expected.
Overall, this is a very nice hotel and super close to the metro station.
PS: Because the hotel replied my comments. I appreciate this attitude a lot to do follow-up. I edited the review to 4-star. That star deduced is not for the hotel. Just Hong Kong is too small and rooms are really small.
Tight space and compact. Friendly reception.
I used to have high expectations on Shangri-La’s hotels, but this time was totally a disappointment.
While I was on my way to JEN, I saw that all the designated quarantine hotels (3 hotels in total) I passed by DID provide help with the luggage. However, the staff here DID NOT provide any help even though they had protective gears like gloves, googles, and protective suits. Only the gov’s staff and the driver helped me to unload the luggage from the bus. If this was due to infection control reasons, then why other hotels, airport staff, the gov’s staff and the driver were willing to provide help with the luggage? What’s the point of the protective gears? And do they know that the airport staff already sanitised the luggage before putting them on the bus? I must say I felt so helpless and powerless to carry my 40kg+ luggage into the elevator after 17hr of flight and 6hr of post-arrival waiting and transportation. As a four-star hotel, ignoring this basic need of your guests and watching us struggling from the sidelines are totally unacceptable. I don’t mean I expected the staff to carry the luggage to my room, but at least the staff should have shown a welcoming attitude to offer a helping hand. Given this unwelcome treatment, along with the reception staff’s cold attitude, I didn’t feel welcomed at all.
The second disappointment is that my special request was completely ignored even though I did remind them through email. For environmentally reasons, I just requested not to provide amenities like toothbrush, shampoo and bottled water. Unfortunately, my request was still ignored despite my email reminder. The hotel staff explained this was due to sudden room arrangement. No excuse please. Removing those items from a room would just take less than 2 minutes!
Other examples of staff careless and ignorant management, e.g.
1) I cancelled a meal one day prior, but I still received the meal the next day
2) Slow room delivery. Took me an hour to get back the luggage sent by my parents after check-in. I checked-in at 9pm and it was not rush hour at all! There was also one time that it took 30 minutes for the delivery, so my food got cold at last 🙁 Interestingly, when my parents sent me stuff, they said there were many idle staff even though lots of food orders were lying at the reception.
3) DH guidelines suggest that hotels should ask guests about their health conditions every 2 days. But based on my 21-day experience, I was asked five times only. So, whose fault? There seems to be management problems here.
Actually, the hardware of JEN is not bad. The room was spacious and clean (except the windows). Good lightings. I was also surprised that dish washer, dish sponge and detergent were provided. The meal and fruits provided were also good (except breakfasts, which had very limited variety). As for service, it was a great disappointment, specifically because of the disastrous experience on the first day. I booked this hotel simply based on the reputation of Shangri-La group. However, I feel like the service of JEN is not up to four star standard. If I could choose again, I would have booked another hotel.
My hell on Earth.