Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong


Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Hotel Hong Kong, 00000, China, Best Western Plus, 308 Des Voeux Rd W, Sai Ying Pun – Hong Kong

Phone : Not found

Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong Road Route

Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong Hong Kong provides service in. Its full address is Hotel Hong Kong, 00000, China, Best Western Plus, 308 Des Voeux Rd W, Sai Ying Pun – Hong Kong olan Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong, you can reach its business by phone 0000. . You can also use the map above to get Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong transportation and directions information. You can review the Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong you can contact Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong using the information above.

All information about Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong Comments

  1. Please note, that this is not fully non-smoking hotel. If it is important for you, during check-in ask non-smoking room????. Anfortunately we got smoking room with unpleasant smeel of tobacco and cigarettes ????

  2. In 2014, I went on a short trip for a business trip in the evening. The door was golden and shiny. I stayed on the Saturday for about NT$6,000. The room seemed to be unoccupied for a long time. There was also a disgusting tea stain in the teacup. Quivering, very exaggerated accommodation.

  3. Stayed 2 nights. There was no bath towel on the first day. There is a bath towel the next day when you put the tip. No replenishment of other amenities. There seems to be little service spirit.
    The room was upgraded.

  4. Hi there. Wanted to give Mojo Nomad a try since it looked fresh and youthful. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my stay. One small issue though – There are tiny red and green lights in the room (probably sensors of some sort) that remain switched on throughout the night. This affects me when I am trying to sleep. If something could be done about them, I do not doubt that the experience would then be flawless.

  5. We stayed at The Sheung Wan in December 2019 before the rebranding (formerly Mojo Nomad Central) and had the most wonderful time. The location is just perfect to explore Hong Kong and the rooms are stunning. A big plus are the washing machines especially if you’re planning to stay longer or are in between trips. The restaurant with the outside counter was great to have breakfast or a drink and watch the hustle and bustle on Queen’s Road.

    A big thank you to the wonderful staff at this hotel. Without them our experience wouldn’t have been the same. From the warm welcome to helping us with storing luggage for a trip to Japan they went above and beyond to help us. Customer centricity at its best. We’ll definitely be back!

  6. Staff was amazing and so helpful, a great stay, I was really pleased with the low price and high quality service that I got for it!

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