Zhuhai Guotai Hotel includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : 37 Qiaoguang Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai – Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China
Phone : 0756 888 3599
Zhuhai Guotai Hotel Road Route
Zhuhai Guotai Hotel Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China provides service in. Its full address is 37 Qiaoguang Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai – Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China olan Zhuhai Guotai Hotel, you can reach its business by phone 0756 888 3599 . You can also use the map above to get Zhuhai Guotai Hotel transportation and directions information. You can review the Zhuhai Guotai Hotel section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Zhuhai Guotai Hotel you can contact Zhuhai Guotai Hotel using the information above.
All information about Zhuhai Guotai Hotel on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Zhuhai Guotai Hotel belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Zhuhai Guotai Hotel belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Zhuhai Guotai Hotel and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.
Adjacent to Gongbei Pass! Just walk for three minutes! Hotel room is wide! Comfortable! With wifi, some floors are expected to be in Macau! The basic streaming phone network can choose Macau or Zhuhai by itself! The hotel has a Western restaurant! There is kfc downstairs, the side is already eating street!
KFC, McDonald, and market in 20m
Clean and quiet…
Second floor Health Center ok
Consider a better hotel around zhuhai, near to border gate, room is spacious. The breakfast is just so so
The check-out procedure was slow, but I couldn’t say that two small squares were inexplicably asking us to lose money. We had to open the luggage for them to see, and don’t, even if it was a small amount of money, I felt that the personality was arbitrarily stomped by them.
The location is good for 10 minutes to go to the gate, and there are many snack shops nearby.