Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul


Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Alemdar, Yerebatan Cd. No:13-15 D:17, Fatih – İstanbul

Phone : (0212) 513 16 16

Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul Road Route

Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul İstanbul provides service in. Its full address is Alemdar, Yerebatan Cd. No:13-15 D:17, Fatih – İstanbul olan Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul, you can reach its business by phone (0212) 513 16 16 . You can also use the map above to get Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul transportation and directions information. You can review the Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul you can contact Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul using the information above.

All information about Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul Comments

  1. The hotel location is exceptional. The staff are very positive and supportive. They do their best for the host comfort and they are very successful in that.
    The only problem is the lack of car parking allocated to the hotel and the road closure, which is the problem of the whole area and any area of such historical importance.

    An experience that we enjoyed and ready to repeat. We advise for it.

  2. Amazing hotel!! Staff is very friendly and professional. We had the good view of Aya Sophia mosque.newly renovated rooms .Everything about this hotel is great , they just have to fix one of the elevators that is not working, overall We have enjoyed our stay here ,

  3. My wife and I visited Istanbul in September 2020. I have attached photos we took.

    We initially stayed in a hotel close which I won’t name but it was VERY CLOSE to Vogue. That first hotel was a massive disappointment. It was small, cramped, not well lit and had a very uncomfortable bed however it had 4-5 stars on booking. I understand that when staying so centrally in old town Istanbul, small rooms are to be expected but this is where Vogue stands out.

    In the first hotel when we explained the issue of a small mattress (I’m 5ft 11” and my feet were hanging off the end) and how hard it was, the manager of that hotel explained this was typical of beds in Fatih, Istanbul. If that is true, Vogue certainly broke the mould. We were so so happy with the room at Vogue. It felt like a city room brought to a old town.

    The next morning my wife and I decided to change our hotel. I walked across the road to Vogue and I have to stay the moment I walked in the lobby I knew I would be staying here.

    At Vogue, the staff at the front desk were lovely and accommodating. They let me view the room which was spacious, had fantastic views of the Hagia Sophia and was very modern. The AC was perfectly cold (unlike the other hotel which didn’t really work). There was complimentary water in the room and the bathroom was also very spacious. The bed was rather large and felt like a California King bed. The mattress was extremely comfortable.

    When we booked the room all our bags were sanitised and face masks were mandatory outside of the bedrooms, other than when eating. We found a cheaper rate on booking than what the front desk were offering however, not only did they match this but gave a lower rate!

    The buffet breakfast was table service due to covid and was fantastic. The waiters were fantastic and were happy to help.

    This hotel is a few steps from the Hagia Sophia and Basilica Cistern. It really is a perfect location for walking around Fatih at night and only 5-10minutes walk from the town and there is a lot of access to food and drink.

    I would definitely stay here again and recommend! Thank you Vogue for giving us a fantastic stay!!

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