Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : Şekerhane Mh. Azaklar Sk. Atatürk Evi Arkası, Alanya – undefined
Phone : (0242) 255 53 76
Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites Road Route
Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites undefined provides service in. Its full address is Şekerhane Mh. Azaklar Sk. Atatürk Evi Arkası, Alanya – undefined olan Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites, you can reach its business by phone (0242) 255 53 76 . You can also use the map above to get Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites transportation and directions information. You can review the Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites you can contact Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites using the information above.
All information about Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Villa Moon Flower Aparts & Suites and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.
I really enjoyed staying at this hotel. The staff made my vacation much better. All guys are insanely polite and open, always help and explain. I also really liked the food, a special thanks to the guy who did the punkcakes, they are unrealistically delicious!:)) The hotel is fairly clean, and the room offers an incredible view.
Special thanks to the receptionists for your good sense of humor and diligence. I love you guys and will definitely be back^^
Helena from Ukraine♥
Really nice hotel! The staff is very kind to everyone. Managers offer a wide range of excursions. Boat trip will be good for you if you like swimming.
Food: a lot of meat
Drinks: beer, wine, juice, soda drinks
Sea: a little bit far from hotel (20-25 minutes by foot). If you are an active person and see the local life, this hotel will be good for you. The hotel has a morning bus from hotel to sea at 11 a.m. and back at 4 p.m. This way you miss a lunch.
District: very safe and there are a lot of groceries around
Recommend you to buy local tea and coffee
Beach: clean but you have to pay for umbrella and other equipments.
Really nice place in a good area and beautiful view. The pools, food and stuff are so nice. A lot of restaurants around and super market. The street market is all over the hotel. We are so happy with this hotel.