Vdara Hotel & Spa


Vdara Hotel & Spa includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 2600 W Harmon Ave, Las Vegas – Nevada, United States

Phone : (866) 745-7767

Vdara Hotel & Spa Road Route

Vdara Hotel & Spa Nevada, United States provides service in. Its full address is 2600 W Harmon Ave, Las Vegas – Nevada, United States olan Vdara Hotel & Spa, you can reach its business by phone (866) 745-7767 . You can also use the map above to get Vdara Hotel & Spa transportation and directions information. You can review the Vdara Hotel & Spa section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Vdara Hotel & Spa you can contact Vdara Hotel & Spa using the information above.

All information about Vdara Hotel & Spa on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Vdara Hotel & Spa belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Vdara Hotel & Spa belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Vdara Hotel & Spa and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Vdara Hotel & Spa Comments

  1. My boyfriend and I stayed here for a week. We had the corner suite for the first half and the studio for the second half. The suite was amazing. It was like our own apartment, but it was such a depressing downgrade to go from that to the studio. Although, we did it to save some money. I didn’t like how the corner suite had windows where you can see into other rooms and they can see into yours. The only other thing is that they should have at least one restaurant or room service open 24/7. I don’t always want to walk to the aria or to the strip to get food after 8pm. The hotel is at the end of the strip so you’re like a 20-30 min walk from all the good restaurants that are still opened. All in all, it’s a very nice place to stay (if you have a car).

  2. I stayed at this hotel back in February for my birthday alone for 4 nights. The gentleman who worked on February 26, 2021 around 12pm is who checked me in and he was very welcoming, very professional and also really sweet. I stayed in the studio suite and it was very nice! The bed, the pillows and blanket was comfortable in my opinion. The studio suite is perfect for a family of 3 or 4. I liked that I could adjust the temperature and fan level in the room including the blinds if I wanted all sun exposure. I stayed on the 40th floor and I had views of the highway but it was still so pleasant to see the mountains especially during sunset. No amenities was really open so all guests were fortunate to walk to the Aria hotel and use theirs. My overall experience was great, however, the woman I spoke with on the phone that was working front desk that I was inquiring about my security deposit sounded like she had an attitude or the very least nonchalant. Aside from that I still recommend anyone to stay here.

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