Treehouse Hotel London


Treehouse Hotel London includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 14-15 Langham Pl, London – United Kingdom

Phone : 020 7580 0111

Treehouse Hotel London Road Route

Treehouse Hotel London United Kingdom provides service in. Its full address is 14-15 Langham Pl, London – United Kingdom olan Treehouse Hotel London, you can reach its business by phone 020 7580 0111 . You can also use the map above to get Treehouse Hotel London transportation and directions information. You can review the Treehouse Hotel London section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Treehouse Hotel London you can contact Treehouse Hotel London using the information above.

All information about Treehouse Hotel London on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Treehouse Hotel London belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Treehouse Hotel London belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Treehouse Hotel London and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Treehouse Hotel London Comments

  1. Had a relaxing stay at the Treehouse hotel recovering from laser eye surgery. Booked a suite which was reasonably priced with great views over the London skyline. All the facilities were closed, but gave us the opportunity to try out Deliveroo, which was excellent. Staff delivered to the door, first class and provided plates and cutlery. Young, professional and enthusiastic team, will use again.

  2. Such a beautiful hotel. Amazing views over London, big window seat, lovely comfy bed. The room was also really uniquely styled, which I adored.

  3. I had the pleasure of staying at this hotel for business purposes this last week. I have to say I cannot recommend this hotel enough!

    If you are looking for something a little different to the normal and this is a place for you!

    From the moment you step in the door you are greeted by the most lovely staff and once in the rooms themselves the fact that you really appreciate the little details that have been put into these rooms. From the stunning shower to the very comfy and luxurious bed I could’ve stayed in the window seat for the entire stay looking at the views alone!

    Then once you’re settled you noticed all the beautiful little quirky items from the magic eight balls to the little birds I’m cuckoo clocks. You can just bring down the blackout blind and feel trapped in this little oasis of calm!

    Nothing was too much for the staff and went above and beyond for any requests that I had!

    The coffee garden in the sunshine is fantastic and the bars on the upper levels are just exquisite.

    And you are literally a stones throw from Soho Oxford Street and so many other amazing locations in London it’s ideal for wandering around on a weekend away and
    I can’t wait to return with my family and friends!!!!

  4. Amazing night at tree house hotel
    On arrival the staff was super friendly and welcoming
    The room was perfect, the decoration and the attention to details was fantastic. Bed really comfortsble and the amazing views was fantastic. The staff supper attentive and friendly, they even surprise us when the founded out it was my husband’s birthday and they brought us a cake
    We also enjoyed a lovely dinner at madera restaurant, where the good experience carried on and the food was delicious

    The only bad thing was to have to leave ☺️

  5. Absolutely amazing. Great place to stay and really attentive staff. I love how quirky it is, whilst still having the luxuries of a great hotel. I would definitely advise people to stay here.

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