The Sultan


The Sultan includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 101 Jln Sultan, #01-01, Singapore – V36+79 Singapore

Phone : 6723 7101

The Sultan Road Route

The Sultan V36+79 Singapore provides service in. Its full address is 101 Jln Sultan, #01-01, Singapore – V36+79 Singapore olan The Sultan, you can reach its business by phone 6723 7101 . You can also use the map above to get The Sultan transportation and directions information. You can review the The Sultan section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about The Sultan you can contact The Sultan using the information above.

All information about The Sultan on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for The Sultan belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in The Sultan belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in The Sultan and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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The Sultan Comments

  1. Nice ambience, love the architecture!! Perfect place to relax in terms of the varieties of food available just walking distance from hotel..

  2. It was a simple staycation but we were very pleased with the cleanliness of the hotel, the general upkeep and the warmth of the staff.

  3. Booked a staycay with my partner over the weekend, and was offered a complimentary room upgrade to the Sultan Room! It was one of the best rooms we’ve ever been to, with the platform bed & rooftop area just outside of the room. 5 stars for the room cleanliness & staff service (especially the Indian male supervisor & Malay female trainee at the front office).

  4. This hotel is originally an office of Ahmadi & Co (1906), which is a company that sells dry coconut products from Midai Island – Riau Islands. This company was formerly owned by Raja Ahmad ibni Raja Umar (a descendant of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate)

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