The Carriage House includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : 105 E Harmon Ave, Las Vegas – Nevada, United States
Phone : (702) 798-1020
The Carriage House Road Route
The Carriage House Nevada, United States provides service in. Its full address is 105 E Harmon Ave, Las Vegas – Nevada, United States olan The Carriage House, you can reach its business by phone (702) 798-1020 . You can also use the map above to get The Carriage House transportation and directions information. You can review the The Carriage House section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about The Carriage House you can contact The Carriage House using the information above.
All information about The Carriage House on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for The Carriage House belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in The Carriage House belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in The Carriage House and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.
Great location and decent rooms. Had the 1400 sqft room and was comfortable and well maintained. Clean and decent for the price.
Staff was fantastic. Matt especially who came up to our room after hours to fix the AC, it took less than 5 min for them to respond and fix the issue. Location is perfect & it is reasonably priced. Rooms are great & free parking too. Cant wait to return!
We went to Vegas to celebrate our 53 anniversary-We stayed at the Carriage House through V I -Pam, the concierge, reserved dinner, show tickets, etc for us she was terrific-we had wonderful seating for everything we went to-thank you Pam for a wonderful time!!
Super friendly staff. Very clean rooms. It was construction going on, so that sucked, but we were out and about enough to get through it. The hotel is a great location…right across from mall and a few blocks from strip.