Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York


Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 337 W 36th St, New York – United States

Phone : (866) 866-7977

Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York Road Route

Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York United States provides service in. Its full address is 337 W 36th St, New York – United States olan Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York, you can reach its business by phone (866) 866-7977 . You can also use the map above to get Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York transportation and directions information. You can review the Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York you can contact Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York using the information above.

All information about Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Staypineapple An Artful Hotel Midtown New York Comments

  1. The hotel is super pretty, we picked the room with terrace and we enjoyed it so bad! The staff is super friendly, the rooms are small but the bed is amazing! The only problem (which is not hotel fault) it was our neighbors. The guests next door arrived at 3am wasted and fighting for more than 2 hours. I called front desk twice to let them know. The guy in charge was super friendly but he told me they check in at 3am and can’t do much about it just asked them to be less noisy. What I friendly suggest is for the future maybe is not the best idea to allow people to do check in at that time if they are drunk and with a rude behavior.
    Anyway I called next morning to let them know we couldn’t sleep and they allowed us to do a late check out. Besides all this, the place is great and the location is amazing (I live in the city I just stayed here for a city getaway)

  2. A quiet oasis amidst a not so nice area. Was blown away with the staff’s kindness during the past week. Dan, in particular was truly professional and went out of his way to make me happy. Whatever he’s making in terms of salary… it’s definitely not enough. He’s that good! Bed was really comfy. Best duvet cover of all time! While rooms are small, they did a fantastic job with every inch of space including conveniences that made a small room not as small after all. If I could make one small suggestion. Complimentary coffee in the a.m. for guests would be a nice touch. Didn’t enjoy walking every morning to find coffee. Other than that, a great experience. Before this week, never heard of “Pineapple” in terms of hotels. It should be on your radar!

  3. it’s a cute, understated, boutique hotel in a convinent location in NYC. The staff is great here I especially love the overnight manager she has been so helpful and great all around. I definitely recommend this hotel it’s not too expensive but still offers great amenities and the beds here are so comfortable they are so hard to get out of! It is one of my favorite hotels I’ve stayed at in the area!

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