Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel


Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 3400 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas – Nevada, United States

Phone : (702) 784-5700

Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel Road Route

Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel Nevada, United States provides service in. Its full address is 3400 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas – Nevada, United States olan Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel, you can reach its business by phone (702) 784-5700 . You can also use the map above to get Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel transportation and directions information. You can review the Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel you can contact Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel using the information above.

All information about Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel Comments

  1. Great staff, very attentive to their guests. They currently use a text chat with the front desk to ensure your stay is going well, to help answer questions and to schedule room service. The bar staff at Grill 55 is great, very friendly and they make sure you are happy with everything. Solid beverage selections especially the beer and whisky. I will be staying here my next trip.

  2. Words can’t describe how Incredible this last visit to the Vegas renaissance was. Received early check in, upgraded to a suite, was given vouchers for beer and whiskey flights and some macarons, on top of that the customer service was incredible from the check in process to bar staff to the restaurant, the icing on the cake was it was my birthday and they surprised me with room service of cheesecake, champagne, chocolates and a card wishing me a happy birthday. They even have a robot delivery service for snacks and drinks. I have always been a Marriott fan and have stayed over 1000 nights in Marriott but this hands down takes the cake for me and will forever be the best Marriott experience yet. So my advice don’t be stupid book here if you want be appreciated and be taken care above and beyond with customer service.

  3. The front dest staff is extremely nice and helpful. The hotel really caters to guests. The complimentary cocktails and desserts are really nice. Rooms are clean and spacious with great strip views. Off the strip with no attached casino….but well worth it.

  4. 06/23/21: I stayed at the Renaissance Hotel in Las Vegas for one night (06/22-06/23). It’s a quiet hotel away off of the Strip, but close enough that you can jump onto the Las Vegas Monorail to get to the Strip. Marjorie was the front desk employee that checked me in and she was friendly and professional. I arrived around 8:30-9 am and requested an early check in which was fulfilled. Getting into my room was really nice and a relief. I had a quiet place to work and I didn’t have to go anywhere.

    My room was 815 and it was facing east (not the Strip). The view wasn’t great, but I didn’t pay extra for a better view. My room was fairly clean and comfortable. The bathroom, particularly the shower, could be cleaned better. The shower was nice, but water seal wasn’t tight around the door so water leaked out when I was showering.

    This hotel is good if you’re working in Las Vegas or if you just want to stay off the Strip. I’m not the biggest fan of the $30 destination fee especially since I don’t use any of the facilities or take advantage of the free drink and next door casino credit due to my work trip.

    The Renaissance will be in my rotation of hotels to stay in when I’m working in Las Vegas.

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