Pod Times Square Hotel


Pod Times Square Hotel includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 400 W 42nd St, New York – United States

Phone : (855) 763-7666

Pod Times Square Hotel Road Route

Pod Times Square Hotel United States provides service in. Its full address is 400 W 42nd St, New York – United States olan Pod Times Square Hotel, you can reach its business by phone (855) 763-7666 . You can also use the map above to get Pod Times Square Hotel transportation and directions information. You can review the Pod Times Square Hotel section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Pod Times Square Hotel you can contact Pod Times Square Hotel using the information above.

All information about Pod Times Square Hotel on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Pod Times Square Hotel belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Pod Times Square Hotel belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Pod Times Square Hotel and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Pod Times Square Hotel Comments

  1. Great small hotel! We loved being so close to everything. The room is very small but we only were there to sleep and shower so it worked out great. The hotel is in a safe area and the employees are very kind. We would totally stay here again!

  2. The staff was very welcoming and friendly. Everyone was so polite, their service was really great. As cheap as their rates are, my room had a wonderful view of the city. The rooms were neat and well lit. I wanted a late check out because my flight was not until evening and I was allowed to stay for free till I left. I recommend them if staying in the Times square area 10/10

  3. I had an excellent stay at the Pod Hotel Times Square. The location was great and the price was very affordable. The rooms are definitely a little bit small but great for tourists who just need a place to crash. Everything was extremely clean and the staff was very accommodating with early check in and late check out.

  4. I stayed here during my first visit to New York City, and I was very pleased! Although this hotel does not have all of the amenities of a regular hotel, it has just what you need.

    There is always someone around who can give you more tissue, more towels, and anything else that you may need including taking out your trash. I had a small problem with the lights automatically turning on because of the sensor, but they had someone come to my room quickly to turn it off and I was able to go back to sleep peacefully. I also made a request to have a view of the city, and the staff honored that which I was very happy for.

    The staff was very nice, and I would highly recommend staying here if you’re on a budget.

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