Park South Hotel includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : 124 E 28th St, New York – United States
Phone : (212) 448-0888
Park South Hotel Road Route
Park South Hotel United States provides service in. Its full address is 124 E 28th St, New York – United States olan Park South Hotel, you can reach its business by phone (212) 448-0888 . You can also use the map above to get Park South Hotel transportation and directions information. You can review the Park South Hotel section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Park South Hotel you can contact Park South Hotel using the information above.
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Stayed here for one night in February 2020. I was pretty happy with the room, while it was on the small side, it wasn’t out of the ordinary for NYC.
The room was nicely done with a small chandelier that really put the room over the top. The room could use more drawers though, I couldn’t imagine staying here for an entire week, I don’t know where 2/3 people would unpack all their stuff.
The hotel gave free WiFi and we received two free drink tokens for the bar downstairs. It was a small, nice touch. I would of stayed at the bar for more than 1 if I wasn’t in a rush because they did have a very good happy hour. We also had brunch down there the next day, overall it was pretty impressive for a hotel restaurant.
I do have three small complaints about the room. I will preface these two things with this, I’m a super light sleep, so that’s the only reason why it was an issue. My friend didn’t even notice either of these things, but they’re a much, much heavier sleeper than I am.
The first should be addressed pretty quickly. In my room (521) the air conditioning unit was quite strange. I set the thermostat to 68 degrees. The unit would blow out a whole bunch of cold air for 4/5 minutes and then really really hot air for 1/2 minutes. It repeated that cycle all night long. I had the bed that was closer to the unit, so all night long I kept taking the sheets on and off. Second, I’m just about 6’0 tall, my feet were right at the edge of the bed. I couldn’t imagine someone being much taller being able to get a comfortable night sleep in the bed unless they’re okay with their feet dangling off the edge. Last issue is there was a lot of outside noise from the hall. At first it sounded like it was either housekeeping or service people (the room is right next to what appears to be the housekeeping area for the floor) making a ruckus at 8am, lots of opening/slamming a door that had the deadbolt popped. I have no idea if it was rowdy guests or hotel staff.
The hotel was in a good location, I managed to park overnight at a garage for $30 a block down. Easy to get up or downtown depending on your plans. I’d come back!
Very clean, quaint rooms. Staff helpful and friendly. Close to subway, restaurants and shopping. I would recommend this boutique to anyone who wants to be close to midtown, Bryant Park, Grand Central and Times Square. All within walking distance or a quick bus or train wide away.