Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection


Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Fondamenta Zattere Al Ponte Lungo, 1413, Venezia – Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy

Phone : 041 277 8719

Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection Road Route

Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy provides service in. Its full address is Fondamenta Zattere Al Ponte Lungo, 1413, Venezia – Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy olan Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection, you can reach its business by phone 041 277 8719 . You can also use the map above to get Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection transportation and directions information. You can review the Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection you can contact Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection using the information above.

All information about Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Palazzo Veneziano Venice Collection Comments

  1. Good sized bedroom, with decent views. So easy to walk into the main areas of Venice. Breakfast selection and quality, second to none. Outstanding hotel, thanks for your hospitality

  2. Loved the hotel, really beautiful decor, very friendly staff, and very convenient location. Room had a beautiful view of the canal and was very clean. For dining I only had the opportunity to try the breakfeast but it was perfectly filling and delicious. Would definitely recommend and stay here again!

  3. very clean. apt is on the 3rd floor well above water line. one of the best locations. staff super nice.

  4. We stayed at the Palazzo Veneziano in September. We cannot say enough good things about it. The interior and rooms are brand new, and the rooms are comfortable and spotless. The free breakfast every morning is fantastic. The lobby and outdoor sitting area are relaxing. Location is great–easily walkable to the major sights. Best of all, the staff and service were incredible. We went to Venice with very little knowledge of what to see or do, and so we stopped at the front desk several times a day for suggestions. Without fail, the staff were friendly, accommodating, and gave us incredible recommendations. At the front desk, Elena in particular was a huge help!

  5. Very nice and friendly staff.

    You will find everything on your room like hair dryer, refrigerator etc
    You can order a private boat taxi infringe the hotel, who’s ha the entry at the Canale Grande.

    Excellent position in Venezia.
    Breakfast was also very good.

    Highly recommended „the watch“

  6. A beautiful hotel!
    Close to the vaporetto. That December it had a pristine feel and we felt like we were locals.
    The front desk staff was supremely welcoming, professional, and gracious.
    Morning breakfasts were fresh. Absolutely the best we experienced in all of our hotels there in Venice.
    The location is an easy walk to Piazza San Marco.
    The rooms were fresh and new. The hotel quiet. I would love to return as soon as travel permits!

  7. Overall, this is a decent hotel in a great location. The rooms are nice and quiet.
    However, the hot water at the bathroom sink didn’t work, there was lots of hair in the bathroom, half of the pieces from the toilet were missing, the shower head was broken. Very poorly maintained. When I mentioned it to the lady at the front desk, she didn’t even apologize. I would have expected better!

  8. The hotel was really nice, comfortable and clean. The room was larger than most European rooms. Loved the decor. The bathroom was beautiful, marble floors and walls and had a really cool light that changed colors. The hotel was right on the canal and very close to the water taxi. I took a private speedboat to and from the airport so luggage was not a problem at all. Sitting my stay I saw many tourists hauling their luggage up and down steps over so many bridges. So being on the canal was perfect. The staff was always very helpful. I’d stay there again and recommend it.

  9. A lovely hotel with beautiful rooms; the ones with the terraces and outdoor jacuzzi are worth the extra spend! Friendly staff with plenty of helpful suggestions on how to fill the day! Beautiful place, beautiful people…will definitely be coming back!

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