Level Los Angeles


Level Los Angeles includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 888 S Olive St, Los Angeles – California, United States

Phone : (213) 873-8400

Level Los Angeles Road Route

Level Los Angeles California, United States provides service in. Its full address is 888 S Olive St, Los Angeles – California, United States olan Level Los Angeles, you can reach its business by phone (213) 873-8400 . You can also use the map above to get Level Los Angeles transportation and directions information. You can review the Level Los Angeles section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Level Los Angeles you can contact Level Los Angeles using the information above.

All information about Level Los Angeles on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Level Los Angeles belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Level Los Angeles belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Level Los Angeles and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Level Los Angeles Comments

  1. As soon as you walk in you feel as you made a good choice of staying there. It’s a very clean place and good vibes! The staff is very nice and welcoming , at check in I had trouble with my card and they were so helpful! But the view you get from that balcony is by far the best part!!! I will definitely be going again ????

  2. Loved the place and the set up. I called for robes and the staff was super friendly and brought them up really fast.

    I’m only marking it two stars because during my stay a staff member walked into my door without knocking. He was changing the trash can liner but I could’ve been naked or my girl could’ve been naked. Also the light bulbs in room 1803 were missing and not fully screwed in. Other than that the stay was good. Definitely coming back

  3. Great place to stay for the weekend. The check-in process was a breeze and the staff was nice. The room was larger than expected and had incredible views of the city. Everything was clean and beds were comfortable. Great location close to shopping and dining. Highly recommend level if your looking for something more than just your “regular” hotel room.

  4. I absolutely love the Level. Staff is amazing, especially Aaron the valet. He did such a good Job helping me out while I was there. The check in process was simple, quick and easy. The room was nice with a nice view of the city. However, I was disappointed in the cleanliness of the room. The bed in the master was broken. The window draws to the shades was broken. The bathroom in the master wasn’t cleaned properly to the point i went And bought cleaning stuff to clean myself. The door to the 2nd bedroom was broken as well amongst other things. Paying $1400 for the week I stayed there, I shouldn’t have had to endure these things. Overall, the stay was alright and I’ll be back.

  5. We stayed here from Friday 7/9 -Tuesday 7/13. Check in was fast and easy, was in our the room by 4:00pm. There is a $400 deposit, $100 per day. $1000 smoking fee so just be aware.
    The suite was perfect for two people. The washer and dryer inside the room was a great add on! The balcony was spacious. We had enough towels, pillows, toilet paper and paper towels. The room also had silverware, pots, plates, wine glasses, cutting board, wine opener and toaster!!! 3 out of 4 elevators were working, not a huge problem but would cause occasional traffic in the lobby. It was gone within 5-10 minutes. The parking garage for Level guest was valet only and cost $40/day, we just parked in the parking lot in front of the apartments for $24 overnight charge. Staff were friendly, would definitely recommend.

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