Kaya Prestige


Kaya Prestige includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : İsmet Kaptan, 1371. Sk. No:7, Konak – İzmir

Phone : (0232) 483 03 23

Kaya Prestige Road Route

Kaya Prestige İzmir provides service in. Its full address is İsmet Kaptan, 1371. Sk. No:7, Konak – İzmir olan Kaya Prestige, you can reach its business by phone (0232) 483 03 23 . You can also use the map above to get Kaya Prestige transportation and directions information. You can review the Kaya Prestige section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Kaya Prestige you can contact Kaya Prestige using the information above.

All information about Kaya Prestige on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Kaya Prestige belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Kaya Prestige belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Kaya Prestige and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Kaya Prestige Comments

  1. Rooms need soundproofing especially the windows! We are only two days into our stay and quite frankly have had enough of the constant traffic and beeping of the horns all night and all day! We haven’t been able to sleep yet! My first holiday abroad and not a great experience! We have come from England! Can hear people’s alarms going off at 5am in morning! Can hear them peeing! And we were put in a non smoking room yet the air vents in toilet let’s in smoke and our room smells aweful. English here is a bare few words so can’t explain to them! Staff extremely noisy banging in corridor when it’s not even 7am! 2 days into a 7 day holiday and we want to go home already! When I booked the holiday it said beach near by of walking distance but there isn’t! We stuck a do not disturb sign on door and still had staff constantly knocking on door and if we did not answer they would call! So we have had to disconnect the phone! Mini bar man knocked on door despite the do not disturb sign just to make sure we hadn’t taken anything from the bar! And it wasn’t even 9am! Impossible to chill here! Went to dinner the other night and we were fully aware only breakfast was included so we were aware dinner lunch etc we had to pay for! Which is fine as we brought atlot of Turkish lira with is on holiday! It amounted to £1500 in English money! So the lady asked for our room number in broken English so we gave, we went and got food and noticed nothing was heated or covered up! All food for dinner was cold really was concerned with this so tried to pick something that looked cooked! We sat down only for 2 members of Kaya Prestige staff to approach us and say dinner not included u pay ok in front of a room full of people! People were staring and pointing and talking in a different language! You made us feel so uncomfortable was unbelievable and not good customer service at all! We told u at desk we knew we had to pay so why embarrass us like that? Not sure if it was because we were from England but we felt unwelcome and left our dinner and went to McDonald’s instead where the service was brilliant! Several members of your staff pushed past us no manners at all no sorry nothing! The tv control didn’t work properly so we couldn’t change it to English or have English subtitles! The WiFi kicked us out every 5mins and we have to log back in with our passport details! No toilet brush in toilet to clean toilet! No leaflets for tourists anywhere here at the hotel like most hotels have! Displaying tourist attractions etc! Couldn’t find any leaflets in Izmir at all so we are currently unable to do anything as we don’t no where things are! Really think you should have leaflets for tourists! Or a map of things near buy so we could somewhat enjoy our stay! Only a couple of days into our first holiday and we have just had enough! We have decided to save your staff embarrassing us that we won’t even eat breakfast that’s included in our hotel price! So for remainder of our trip we will eat breakfast lunch and dinner elsewhere! Sorry but wouldn’t recommend to any one coming from the uk!

  2. Decent stay. Nothing special. Gym not available. Food ok, server could be much better. Guest services/Reception lady very professional. Overall seems dated and in need os some new life. Convenient location.

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