Isanook Bangkok


Isanook Bangkok includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 118 Soi Song Phra, Maha Phruttharam, Bang Rak – Thailand

Phone : 02 633 3636

Isanook Bangkok Road Route

Isanook Bangkok Thailand provides service in. Its full address is 118 Soi Song Phra, Maha Phruttharam, Bang Rak – Thailand olan Isanook Bangkok, you can reach its business by phone 02 633 3636 . You can also use the map above to get Isanook Bangkok transportation and directions information. You can review the Isanook Bangkok section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Isanook Bangkok you can contact Isanook Bangkok using the information above.

All information about Isanook Bangkok on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Isanook Bangkok belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Isanook Bangkok belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Isanook Bangkok and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Isanook Bangkok Comments

  1. This is a real gem in a charming local neighborhood near Rama IV Road and Silom district. The walking time is 5 minutes to Rama IV Road and the busy bus stop. 10 minutes to Samyan MRT and also Samyan Mitrtown shopping mall which has every convenience you could need. About 7-8 minutes and cross Rama IV to get to Chula and many various international eateries. Many local food options within 2-3 minutes walk and the in-house cafe also has all the Thai food basics and a couple of Western food dishes and is very cheap and good. This hotel has many nice amenities such as a TV lounge, gym, swimming pool, a comfortable lobby, spacious rooftop, kitchen, dining room and cafe. There are several different room types and the rooms do not lack anything necessary for your basic comfort and convenience. It is quiet, dark, and cool enough for sleeping. The staff are very friendly, competent, and happy to help with your questions or reasonable issues. Basically, all around, it is not on the level a 5-star luxury property, but for all-around value I think it is the best deal I have ever found anywhere in Bangkok.

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