Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan


Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : No 28 Des Voeux Rd W, Sheung Wan – Hong Kong

Phone : 2252 2929

Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan Road Route

Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan Hong Kong provides service in. Its full address is No 28 Des Voeux Rd W, Sheung Wan – Hong Kong olan Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan, you can reach its business by phone 2252 2929 . You can also use the map above to get Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan transportation and directions information. You can review the Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan you can contact Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan using the information above.

All information about Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan Comments

  1. I was horrified when I realised this hotel is taking guests who are doing self quarantine as that was contrary to what I was told before booking the stay.

    In all fairness, it is a decent hotel and and perhaps it was an honest mistake committed by one employee. But it is shocking that the staff would make such mistakes considering current circumstances. Also, I believe the hotel should be more transparent and proactive in telling the guests or potential guests of the situation rather than to disclose only if the guests ask.

  2. Good value for money. Clean rooms ,great location and nice staff. Only downside for me was the very small “gym”. Food is less than average but room size, light and cleanness make up for it. Have been staying there for a few months.

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