Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia


Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Pl. de Catalunya, 10, Barcelona – Spain

Phone : 937 00 62 62

Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia Road Route

Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia Spain provides service in. Its full address is Pl. de Catalunya, 10, Barcelona – Spain olan Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia, you can reach its business by phone 937 00 62 62 . You can also use the map above to get Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia transportation and directions information. You can review the Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia you can contact Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia using the information above.

All information about Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Iberostar Selection Paseo De Gràcia Comments

  1. My husband and I stayed at this beautiful hotel for 5 nights in January. We got to stay in both of the stunning suites as our first suite was effected by storm Gloria so we were moved up to the tower suite. We enjoyed the spacious luxury that both had to offer. The staff was very kind and attentive. This hotel is in a perfect location, close to great shopping and beautiful view of both mountain and sea.

  2. Gorgeous rooftop bar, fantastic vies and great location

  3. Such Great service. Spacious rooms with excellent chamber service, very clean, fresh and modern facilities. Stylish decor and general nice vibe. Staff couldn’t do enough to help you.
    Excellent location, tube and bus stop right outside. Gothic and Born areas 5 minute walk away. We will be back later this year, Many Thanks ????

  4. Nice hotel with extremely beautiful centric view of the plaza de catalunya

  5. At arrival everything was good. It’s a beautiful hotel, with clean and stylish rooms. Visibly good compliance with the COVID cleaning service. But then the next morning I went down tot the breakfast restaurant and I asked for a table in the corner so I can work and I was expecting a work call – so I wouldn’t disturb the other guests. There is no hotel lobby so this was my only seating option, besides my room. The head waiter told me he can’t do anything. The I pointed at a table that was far away he said yeah go there. I asked for an iced coffee without milk (iced Americano) he said ok and came back with a Nescafé powder coffee with ice cubes it was a horrible grey brown shade and lukwarm. Didn’t smell like real coffee. I asked him if this was the machine coffee and he said yes. I asked him to make an espresso lungo and bring ice cubes on the side he rolled his eyes at me and didn’t say anything just walked away. came back with the same thing as the first time around. Placed it on the table and said “this is all I can do madam” and walked away. No apology, nothing. The rudest service I ever experienced in Spain. And this is a 4 superior hotel.

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