Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : 2 Rue Édouard VII, Paris – France
Phone : 01 44 80 00 32
Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel Road Route
Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel France provides service in. Its full address is 2 Rue Édouard VII, Paris – France olan Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel, you can reach its business by phone 01 44 80 00 32 . You can also use the map above to get Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel transportation and directions information. You can review the Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel you can contact Hotel Indigo Paris Opera An Ihg Hotel using the information above.
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Very nice hotel. Best location. Best staff
I liked the hotel and most of the staff were very friendly and welcoming to me. However, this hotel is not worth the €300+ that I paid. There are way better options for similar prices in the same neighborhood.
I said “most of the staff was nice” because I had a bad experience with a manager. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask for her name because I never thought I was going to write this review.
Long story short: I arrived early on the day of my reservation and I was treated very well by the lobby staff, a young man whose name I don’t remember. I am an IHG Platinum member and I was even upgraded to a better room. I was told that, because I was a Platinum member, I was going to have FREE minibar on my first (and only) night. Everything was going well until I explained the person who checked me in that I was leaving for the airport the following day at 6:00 AM, so I would appreciate it if they let me have my breakfast after we finished the check-in process. Breakfast ended an hour later, so I could’ve had breakfast then with no problem.
I had paid for a rate that included breakfast, and I knew I was not going to have time to eat before leaving for the airport the next day. However, I still paid for the higher rate because I had never had any issues having my breakfast one day earlier anywhere I had asked them to switch it. I’ve asked for this, at least 5-7 times in different countries at the hotels of one of IHG’s competitor chains.
Why would a hotel say “no” to what I was asking for if they were not going to incur in any additional expense? That’s what I thought. The person at the reception even told me that he did not see any problem with my request, but that he was going to need the manager’s approval.
Well, the manager didn’t like the idea. She was standing next to the young man at the reception and when he asked her, she told him something in French (I don’t speak French). The young man seemed embarrassed when he had to deny my request (because he had already told me he saw no problem with it). So, I asked the manager, “are you saying I cannot have the breakfast I paid for?” To what she replied, “well, you can have breakfast today instead of tomorrow, if you want, but we will have to charge you (again) for that.” Then she continued with whatever she was doing without even looking at me or saying anything else. The young man apologized again and I left.
I was tired after a long flight and I didn’t want to argue with her. I could have said that I paid for one breakfast and that I demanded they gave me one breakfast, no more, no less. But I was not even in the mood for that. I could not believe that she was doing that after I had paid them more than €300 and I was a Platinum member. That experience definitely ruined my stay at an otherwise very nice hotel.
By the way, the mini-bar only included ONE soft drink that I did not even touch. This is how IHG treats its Platinum members.
Excellent place for resting. Even if the hotel is in the very center of Paris, thanks to its location it is very quiet.
It’s very close to the Opera, a lot of restaurants and shoppings are locating at a walking distance.
Nice bedrooms, service is very good. Price is high but this is Paris, welcome!
Great location, nice staff. Good rooms. Will stay here again
Well located, great room ans service.