Habitat Brickell By Sextant


Habitat Brickell By Sextant includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : 1700 SW 2nd Ave, Miami – Florida, United States

Phone : (833) 305-3535

Habitat Brickell By Sextant Road Route

Habitat Brickell By Sextant Florida, United States provides service in. Its full address is 1700 SW 2nd Ave, Miami – Florida, United States olan Habitat Brickell By Sextant, you can reach its business by phone (833) 305-3535 . You can also use the map above to get Habitat Brickell By Sextant transportation and directions information. You can review the Habitat Brickell By Sextant section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Habitat Brickell By Sextant you can contact Habitat Brickell By Sextant using the information above.

All information about Habitat Brickell By Sextant on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Habitat Brickell By Sextant belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Habitat Brickell By Sextant belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Habitat Brickell By Sextant and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Habitat Brickell By Sextant Comments

  1. Room is furnished modesty to nicer for a hotel room. The kitchen had everything I needed which was great. Low hassle. Complaint is bedroom has no door and closer to main room door so noise from hallway can be heard. Also, the room ac was set at 70, but room was still warmer.

  2. If I could give this MOTEL zero stars I would! From literally day one our stay here has been a disaster and we booked to say from Monday- Friday, spent close to $1000. for starters, rags and towels had stains on them, the refrigerator was not wiped down properly and did not get cold, there were gnats in our bathroom, TVs that didn’t work, shower water was room temp, everything was so bad that we asked to be moved to a different room which did not happen until 2 days later. The front desk people are there from 8-8pm so we had to wait until the next day to make our complaints. we get to the next room and there is black and brown stains on the sheets, ripped sheets, & tv barely working AGAIN. We go to make another complaint and again no one at front desk. We were told that the manager would come to our room to speak with us and never did. we called down to the front desk numerous times and got nothing. Finally when we speak with someone she tells us that the manager told her he spoke with us which NEVER happened. she calls the manager and he says the only thing he can do is give us a $150 cleaning fee and our money back for ONE night he also told us they didn’t provide daily cleaning which is odd being as though we’re in the middle of a pandemic. The cleaning people came ONE time to change the dirty sheets that they left on our bed. Never gave us clean towels or rags, never made sure to clean our room, and the front desk employees acted very nonchalant as if this was the norm. My friends and I literally slept on top of the few decent towels we had. We are NOT pleased with our stay and I wouldn’t advise anyone to stay here! too many hotels in Miami!

  3. Stayed for 4 nights. 1st impression was the lobby was very nice and clean. The apartment was spacious and loved the balcony and washer/dryer!! Each room had its own bathroom and lots of closet space. We were able to go the the sister building next door and use the rooftop. Only downside is the 2nd bedroom has no TV, only the king size room (and the living room TV was SUPER small but we didnt care too much) and the check in was a little confusing. But overall it was great and would definitely stay again!!

  4. Terrible experience and thieves. They overcharged me by more than double the amount that I was told it would cost by Booking.com and they were so rude and disorganized about the situation. I understand mistakes happen but to be on the phone for 6 hours in total, purposely hanging up on me and when I asked to speak to a manager they kept refusing. Stay away!

  5. A disgusting, disgraceful property where the management has absolutely no interest in providing service of any kind. Hair all over the floor. Light bulbs burnt out. Lied to me about street traffic noise before I made the reservation. Neighbors are partying until 3am and management does nothing to stop it upon request. The management are sociopathic liars. In particular, Tanya is backhanded and contains no empathy or passion for any of their customers.

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