Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista


Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Eskiçeşme, Neyzen Tevfik Cd. No:168, Bodrum – Muğla

Phone : (0252) 313 03 56

Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista Road Route

Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista Muğla provides service in. Its full address is Eskiçeşme, Neyzen Tevfik Cd. No:168, Bodrum – Muğla olan Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista, you can reach its business by phone (0252) 313 03 56 . You can also use the map above to get Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista transportation and directions information. You can review the Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista you can contact Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista using the information above.

All information about Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Doubletree By Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista Comments

  1. Nice facility. Professional accommodating staff. Excellent broad menu. The Turkish breakfast is fantastic. Reg rate rooms a bit on the small side especially the bathroom.

  2. Great stay at the Doubletree Marina Vista in Bodrum. Nice poolside room, big breakfast and very helpful staff.

  3. Hilton is arguably the strongest hotel chain in Turkey, but up until recently there was a glaring hole in the portfolio: no hotel in Bodrum. In one swoop this weakness was fixed last year with the addition of two DoubleTrees and a new LXR hotel, all three of which are from the same owner. I tried DoubleTree Marina Vista which is the cheapest of the three and I can highly recommend it considering the price tag.

    If I am not mistaken, DoubleTree Marina Vista is the only international chain hotel which is in the old city because all others are resorts scattered elsewhere on the peninsula and away from the old town. Location of DT Marina will either be perfect for guests who want to be in the city and have direct walking access to tons of shops and restaurants, or location will be a no-go for people looking for a beach resort.

    I stayed in the family room, which is actually two connecting rooms, one with a king bed and one with two single beds and consequently I had two full bathrooms. The hardware was not luxury but it was clearly refreshed recently, no carpet, walk-in showers with good water pressure although the water temperature was not always stable. Air conditioning was not central unfortunately but both units set above the beds worked well and kept the rooms cool. The bathrooms also had full sets of amenities including mouthwash, shaving kit, etc. The rooms were overlooking the main hotel courtyard with the swimming pool in the middle; I had balconies but they were very small and were only for standing up – no space for a chair.

    The hotel restaurant is accessible from the walking street in front and has a terrace outside so it targets tourists walking by who might not even realize it’s a hotel restaurant, in fact “Big Chefs” seems to be a mini restaurant chain which has franchises in a handful of countries. The menu was very extensive and prices were competitive – it was not a limited hotel restaurant menu where guests are captive on the resort.

    For breakfast unfortunately as the Diamond benefit I could not order from the restaurant menu, it was a set menu which included traditional Turkish breakfast items.

    At the moment in Bodrum it’s high season and prices are through the roof in many hotels, with rates of 300-400 EUR at (non-luxury) hotels such as Swissotel, MGallery, Le Meridien, etc. I paid less than 100 EUR per night at DT so it would be unfair to compare it to any of those beach resorts but all I can say is that for 100 EUR in high season the price was very competitive and I cannot complain about small hiccups during the stay. In my opinion it’s solid value for the money for people who don’t mind not having sea views or a beach.

  4. Amazing staff and lovely place to stay in a beautiful neighbourhood.

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