Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection


Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 670, Barcelona – Spain

Phone : 934 50 50 45

Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection Road Route

Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection Spain provides service in. Its full address is Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 670, Barcelona – Spain olan Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection, you can reach its business by phone 934 50 50 45 . You can also use the map above to get Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection transportation and directions information. You can review the Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection you can contact Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection using the information above.

All information about Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection Comments

  1. I love this historical building! The spiral staircase is so beautiful! The room is equipped with a step in wardrobe, in general is nice. Our room was on the top, there’s a public terrace with a mini swimming pool, the room door is soundproofing but the window not, there was noise from the central A/C for the building outside our window all the time. And the hot water temperature was slightly not stable.
    The breakfast was very good, we loved it.

  2. Absolutely stunning decor at first glance. However, the closer you look and the longer you’re there, the more it feels just like a movie set. The finishes are sloppy, in my bathroom you could even read “registro” written in large letters behind the wallpaper.

    The shower water pressure goes from super strong to a couple drops without you doing anything (plumbing issues, I guess?) and they had a lot of broken furniture around, including a pool umbrella held together with duct tape. Rather than offer single bottles of shampoo, shower gel and conditioner, they provide three big bottles, stuck to the shower wall, which they apparently don’t fill up after each guest, I had no shower gel at all. The beds were not well made, the bottom sheets fell out of place as soon as you pulled the duvet to one side.

    The staff was pretentious, especially at the restaurant, treating me (young woman in jeans) differently from men in suits, which was quite disappointing.

    All in all, nice place to visit, maybe for lunch or something, but the hotel rooms are not worth the price.

  3. Lovely hotel. Extremely slow service, butvthe staff are really trying hard. I believe covid makes the operations a bit more difficult, so as long as you are willing not to stress the small stuff, this is the place to be.
    I love the location, they accepted my dog for the stay and they have a fantastic almond milk. Wish the chef was little bit more flexible on vegan food.

  4. I am a Titanium Elite with Marriott and this property is first class. The building itself is interesting and accommodating for a couple spending 5 days in Barcelona. The location is perfect, the staff is customer-centric, and the rooms are appointed nicely. We look forward to a return trip to Barcelona and to the Cotton House!

  5. Enjoyed our stay. The hotel is well kept and the front desk staff was incredibly attentive, especially Aina and Merce. The location is okay for getting around but the view looking over Gran Via is unimpressive. The restaurant and bar area is peaceful. The library provides space for reading and work and the rooftop salt water pool is rather simple but clean.

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