Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 includes address, phone, route map and comments.
Address : 308 Des Voeux Rd W, Sai Ying Pun – Hong Kong
Phone : 3410 3333
Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 Road Route
Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 Hong Kong provides service in. Its full address is 308 Des Voeux Rd W, Sai Ying Pun – Hong Kong olan Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店, you can reach its business by phone 3410 3333 . You can also use the map above to get Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 transportation and directions information. You can review the Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 you can contact Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 using the information above.
All information about Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong 華大盛品酒店 and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.
The quarantine hotel room itself was somewhat spacious with a living room and a bedroom so it made the 21st day feel a bit better. Sadly I have to say the staff were not the most accommodating with my Deliveroo orders. The bathroom did not seem the cleanest and was small. The wifi was excellent for streaming Netflix and work. Also, I was lucky enough to get a sea view of the Hong Kong Harbour. Overall decent vibes.
The room is nice, pretty spacious. But good luck for anyone who didn’t manage to starve. The food portion is ridiculous. Definitely recommend for anyone who is looking to lose weight. Also, the WiFi here is unreliable and you better get your own data if you’re staying here long.
Room is spacious as I book for bigger room for me and my son for 3 weeks quarantine. However the food could be much better than current serving. i opt for 1 standard & 1 vegetarian. I was expecting more decent meal for a 4 star hotel unfortunately we are not. Understand amid the pandemic situation around the world had alot of impact. 3 wks quarantine in hotel room is not a staycation, nothing to enjoy except bed to rest, TV to entertain and at least a good meal would be very much appreciated.
Here for the 21 day quarantine. Room is spacious and there’s no overall problems with the room itself.
The food however is not enough for each meal, have to order from outside time to time
In terms of wifi it’s fine for general streaming and calling, for me I’ve been experiencing on and off wifi which means there’s a short period where u just have to reconnect several times until it’s stable because it keeps disconnecting.